Hearing with the civil society to discuss the National Human Rights Strategy
The Technical Secretariat (TS) of the SSCHR headed by Ambassador Dr. Ahmed Ihab Gamal El-Din - former Secretary-General of the Committee - held five virtual meetings through the video-conference program of (ZOOM) from 10 to 12 January 2021 with a group of representatives of civil society organizations in the framework of preparing the National Strategy for Human Rights.
The sessions were attended by (92) participants and representatives representing the spectrum of civil society, including professional and labor unions, associations, human rights and development organizations, research centers, the General Union of Non-governmental Organizations, and regional unions, in various governorates. The meetings covered the composition, structure, tasks and terms of reference of the Supreme Standing Committee for Human Rights, the vision of the Strategy and its main pillars, the process of preparing the National Strategy for Human Rights, the pathways for implementing the Strategy, and its frame.
The former Secretary-General also stressed that the Strategy is based on a national vision and self-conviction for the advancement of human rights, and that it is a national road map and a tool for self-development. The participants appreciated the Egyptian State’s adoption of preparing a National Strategy for Human Rights and inviting them for consultation. A conceptual paper was prepared on cooperation mechanisms to create dialogue and build partnerships with civil society organizations and specialized research and thought centers at the national and international levels.