Vision & Main Objectives

Vision of SSCHR:
  • SSCHR aims to develop an integrated approach towards enhancing the respect, protection, and fulfillment of all civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights and freedoms stipulated in the Constitution, the national legislations, and international and regional human rights treaties ratified by Egypt.
  • SSCHR seeks to achieve this vision by assessing the actual implementation of Egypt’s human rights obligations through reviewing related legislations and policies as well as collecting, classifying, and analyzing relevant data and indicators. Furthermore, it identifies the best practices in the field of promoting and protecting human rights and the related challenges with the aim of proposing legislative, executive, and institutional measures that contributes to enhancing the realization and enforcement of human rights on the ground.
Main Objectives:

A- Strengthening National Coordination and Cooperation in the Area of Human Rights:

  • The SSCHR aims to achieve regular interaction and coordination among all ministries and relevant authorities in all aspects related to the implementation of Egypt’s human rights obligations. Furthermore, it seeks to facilitate effective communication and consultation between the executive authority on the one hand and the Parliament, the National Council for Human Rights and civil society on the other hand.

B- Enhancing the Cooperation between Egypt and International and Regional Human Rights Mechanisms:

  • Egypt is keen to fulfill its international and regional human rights obligations, especially taking into account the remarkable expansion of international and regional systems for human rights protection. Such expansion has taken the form of the development of new treaties which Egypt has ratified and the establishment of multiple monitoring and follow-up mechanisms. In light of Egypt’s keenness on enhancing its cooperation with the aforementioned systems, the SSCHR aims to develop a comprehensive, more effective and sustainable approach to fulfill its international and regional human rights obligations. It seeks to achieve this through submitting periodic reports to international and regional human rights mechanisms at specified times; regularly monitoring, following up, and evaluating the implementation of the recommendations issued by these mechanisms; interacting with the network of the Special Procedures of the UN Human Rights Council as well as the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights; and finally responding to all the communications received from these mechanisms.