SSCHR Mandate

Since SSCHR is a standing committee, it provides sustainable institutional capabilities as well as technical expertise in the area of human rights within the state apparatus. It has a technical secretariat comprised of a number of specialized units. The mandate of the SSCHR as stated in the Prime Ministerial Decree No. 2396 of 2018 is as follows:

  • - Preparing and following up on the implementation of the National Strategy for Human Rights.
  • - Following up on the implementation of Egypt’s international and regional obligations arising from the provisions of the relevant international and regional conventions and protocols.
  • - Preparing the initial and periodic reports submitted by Egypt to international and regional human rights mechanisms.
  • - Preparing Egypt’s periodic reports to the Universal Periodic Review mechanism within the United Nations Human Rights Council as well as following up on the implementation of the recommendations accepted by Egypt and proposing the means for their implementation.
  • - Examining the communications from international and regional human rights mechanisms and preparing replies to them.
  • - Proposing laws and legislative amendments relevant to enhancing human rights in Egypt.
  • - Preparing a database that includes all the legal obligations of Egypt according to the texts of international and regional human rights agreements.
  • - Developing a centralized database in collaboration with national research centers and specialized national councils that includes all data and information related to its work.
  • - Developing policies, programs, and plans to raise awareness and build capacities in the field of human rights.
  • - Conducting legal studies on human rights issues.
  • - Enhancing cooperation with the United Nations and its specialized agencies as well as with different countries and relevant international governmental organizations to obtain technical and financial support and assist the Egyptian government in the area of capacity building and training.